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Faced with the new challenges of sustainable development and global warming, Philippe Hottinguer Gestion adopts a rigorous ESG approach integrated into all investment and asset management processes. The company strives to be more transparent in terms of ESG risks, exposures, practices and impacts.

Our approach is based on our convictions

Climate change issues

Geopolitical and societal context

An ethical approach is part of our DNA

Responsible approach = resilient

Creating positive impact

Our commitments in action

Society recognises the danger and profoundly harmful effects of tobacco on human health. Notably, tobacco causes eight million premature deaths worldwide each year and is expected to cause one billion deaths this century. The company is delivering on its commitment to fight the devastating impact of tobacco and encourage others to do the same

In this sense, Philippe Hottinguer Gestion is a Signatory and Pledge Stamp member of Tobacco Free Portfolios.

Faced with these new challenges, Philippe Hottinguer Gestion adopts a rigorous ESG approach integrated into all investment and asset management processes. The company strives to be more transparent in terms of ESG risks, exposures, practices and impacts. The company therefore adheres to the UNPRI, and shapes its approach in line with the 6 Principles for Responsible Investment.

In 2022, Philippe Hottinguer Gestion received the Sustainable Finance label from AGEFI for its commitment and transparency in the field of responsible investment.

In order to complete our extra-financial analysis and control the risk of climate damage, we refer to the Global Coal Exit List of the NGO Urgewald

Our commitment to society

Creation of an intra-group ESG committee

Training and awareness-raising of teams

Contribution to the advancement of research in sustainable finance

Selective sorting

Recycling of paper, equipment, etc.

Reduction of printing and paper use

Reduction in the use of single-use products

Installation of the filtered running water fountain

Dematerialisation of internal processes

Energy efficiency of premises

Reduction and optimisation of energy consumption

Our commitments in figures

Recycle 100% of electronic equipment, cartridges etc.


Use of 100% recycled, certified paper for internal purposes.


Establish partnerships with humanitarian organisations.


Implement ESG training for employees: Climate Mural, etc.


Carry out a diagnosis of emissions at company level.


Carry out an energy diagnosis at company level.


Complete office renovations to optimise energy efficiency.


Our articles and studies

Our commitment as an investor

ESG analysis based on dual materiality

Positive impact measurement

Normative and sectoral exclusions

Pragmatic and objective management of controversies

Constructive and proactive dialogue

Preventing risks and seizing ESG opportunities

Relevant categories
Criteria analysed
Criteria used
Of ESG funds
Of rated companies

The search for positive impact

Significant direct and indirect contribution

In addition, the company focuses on the positive impact of business. This is done through the relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our specific proprietary tool for the SDG analysis calculates the direct or indirect contribution of each company in our portfolios. The impact analysis contains two components of measuring the positive impact of companies:

  • The direct contribution calculation looking for the direct or fundamental correlation between the activity of the invested company and the sustainability objectives,
  • The calculation of the indirect contribution, due to its approach, its behaviour and its corporate culture independently of its activity.
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