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Abacus Green Deal


The 5 investment themes

Energy production

Solar, wind, biomass, biogas, waste-to-energy…

Energy efficiency

Renovation (buildings, infrastructures…), sustainable mobility…

Circular economy

Recycling, eco-responsible design, collaborative @consumption…

Sustainable resources

Sustainable forest and crop management, bio-sourcing…

Innovative technologies

Digitalisation, fiber, intelligent technologies…

Distribution by theme

Distribution by sector

Geographical distribution


Performance 1 year (as of 30/06/2023)


Annualised performances


  • Legal form: French mutual fund
  • Eligible for PEA: Yes
  • Creation date: 30/06/2022
  • Objective: Abacus Green Deal is an equity fund whose sustainable investment objective within the meaning of Article 9 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 is to make a significant and positive contribution to the challenges of energy and ecological transition and the fight against global warming.
  • Management company: PHILIPPE HOTTINGUER GESTION – 58 rue Pierre Charron – 75008 – PARIS
  • Manager: PHILIPPE HOTTINGUER GESTION – 58 rue Pierre Charron – 75008 – PARIS
  • Advisors: DÔM FINANCE – 1 Rue des Italiens – 75009 – Paris
  • Accounting manager: CREDIT MUTUEL ASSET MANAGEMENT – 4, rue Gaillon – 75002 – Paris
  • ISIN code :
    • I Unit: FR0014008KI9 All subscribers
    • R share: FR0014008KJ7 All investors
  • Periodicity of calculation of the net asset value: Every day, except for public holidays in France, even if the reference stock exchange(s) is (are) open, and days on which the Paris stock exchange is closed (Euronext SA calendar).
  • Currency of denomination of units: Euro
  • Pricing :
    • I share financial management fee: 1.50% incl. tax
    • R share financial management fee: 2.35% incl. tax
    • I and R shares other fees: max 0.20% incl. tax
    • Overperformance fee: 20% incl. tax

Risk index

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    How to subscribe to this fund

    If you wish to subscribe to Abacus Green Deal units, you can do so with the ISIN code (FR0014008KJ7 for the R unit / FR0014008KI9 for the I unit) and for a minimum subscription of one unit (one thousandth of a unit thereafter):

    • through Philippe Hottinguer Gestion by opening a securities or PEA account with our custodian CM-CIC.
    • through your usual financial institution by providing your account holder with the ISIN code.
    • through your insurer in the context of life insurance or capitalisation contracts for which our fund is listed.

    Subscription and redemption orders are centralised every Friday by CREDIT INDUSTRIEL ET COMMERCIAL (CIC) (6 avenue de Provence, 75009 Paris, France) before 12 noon and are executed on the basis of the next net asset value calculated on the basis of the closing prices of the same day.

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