Abacus Green Deal
An Article 9 validated European Union Multicaps impact fund

Article 9 SFDR
Committed impact management
SRI strategy
Momentum thematic
Article 9 SFDR and European Taxonomy
Abacus process DNA

Fund Manager
• Defensive criteria
• Performance criteria
• Macroeconomic
• Financial analysis
• Meetings with company
• In-depth ESG analysis
• Impact and sustainability analysis
• Tracking controversies
• Valuation potential
• Intrinsic risk
• Market risk
Share history
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Management goal

Born from a unique collaboration between Dôm Finance and Philippe Hottinguer Gestion, Abacus Green Deal is a Eurozone equity fund validated under article 9 SFDR. The fund, created with a sustainable investment objective, is composed of multi-cap companies chosen for their fundamental qualities, including business models with measurable environmental and/or social impacts. These companies are selected through a rigorous and transparent process, Abacus, in complete independence from stock market indices. This proprietary methodology allows us to target a better risk-adjusted performance. The fund is eligible for PEA. The benchmark is the Eurostoxx NR.
Abacus Green Deal adopts a socially responsible investment (SRI) strategy and a comprehensive extra-financial strategy, with an in-depth analysis of ESG risks and impacts, greenhouse gas emissions, scope 1, 2, 3. In particular, within the investment universe, preference is given to shares of small, medium and large European companies whose activities are linked to sustainable development and the ecological and energy transition. The investment choices will favour companies in the European Union with market capitalisations of over €100 million.
The fund implements normative and sector exclusions to avoid investing in models with high potential for negative impact and controversy. The fund adopts a “best-in-class” approach, investing in the highest rated companies in each sector. The fund adopts a significantly engaged approach with an ESG rating above its benchmark, an emissions intensity below its benchmark and an analysis coverage rate of over 90%.
Normative and sectoral exclusions
ESG analysis based on double materiality
Positive impact measurement
Best in Universe
Analysis of greenhouse gas emissions