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Philippe Hottinguer Group

Publisher: Philippe Hottinguer Groupe
Registered Office: 58 rue Pierre Charron, 75008 Paris, FRANCE
Director of Publication: Mr. Philippe Hottinguer
Editor: Mr. Nicolas Benouda

Philippe Hottinguer Gestion

SIRET: 533 147 815 00021
APE Code: Fund Management (6630Z)
Director of Publication: Mr. Marc-Antoine Laffont
Editor: Mr. Nicolas Benouda

Philippe Hottinguer Finance

SIRET: 449 396 738 00071
APE Code: Investment Funds and Similar Financial Entities (6430Z)
Director of Publication: Mr. Philippe Hottinguer
Editor: Mr. Philippe Hottinguer

Hosting: OVH
2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix

Photos : akudui, chris kursikowski, eberhard grossgasteiger, ed van dujn, emilien muller, filippo cesarini, firos nv, fotis Fotopoulos, francesco ungaro, gary liu, Isaac martin, kalen Emsley, kazuend, Lesly juarez, mael balland, maxim hopman, ricardo frantz, rinse van dellen, yves sinoir, spencer watson, olena sergienko, casey horner, galypso – | © companies for their logos | © Philippe Hottinguer Group for the team pictures

The information published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to subscribe or purchase investment funds or any financial instrument. Any use of this information, any dissemination or any total or partial publication, is prohibited without the written authorization of the Philippe Hottinguer Group, Philippe Hottinguer Gestion, an asset management company approved by the AMF under number GP -11.000021, and Philippe Hottinguer Finance. The production of this document was carried out under the direct authority of Mr. Marc-Antoine Laffont, Director of Asset Management at Philippe Hottinguer Gestion, and Mr. Philippe Hottinguer.

The information on the products and services presented on this website has been developed for people living in France. It is therefore clearly specified that the products and services presented may not be accessible to natural or legal persons not resident in France without the prior written consent of the Philippe Hottinguer Group, Philippe Hottinguer Et Cie Gestion or Philippe Hottinguer Finance.

The information contained in this site does not engage the responsibility of the Philippe Hottinguer Group, Philippe Hottinguer Gestion and Philippe Hottinguer Finance. As a result, the Philippe Hottinguer Group, Philippe Hottinguer Gestion and Philippe Hottinguer Finance can not be held responsible for the use that may be made of them. To the extent permitted by the laws and regulations applicable to financial instruments, the Philippe Hottinguer Group, Philippe Hottinguer Gestion and Philippe Hottinguer Finance disclaim any and all liability, in the event of direct or indirect loss, resulting from the use of this document or its contents.

Regarding the presentation of the funds managed by Philippe Hottinguer Gestion, each approved prospectus is accessible on the site as well as the various reports. Investing in these products can be risky and past performance is not a guide to future performance.

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